Family Connection of Stephens County


Community Organizations Community Organizations Business & Professional Services Community Organizations Business & Professional Services


Family Connection of Stephens County strives to make community improvements in five areas. * Healthy Children * Children Ready for School * Children Succeeding in School * Stable, Self-Sufficient Families * Strong Community Our Work: Family Connection works closely to: * Provide training and technical assistance to meet the needs for our community and support efforts in making better decisions locally. * Build and maintain relationships with public and private agencies within our community to share and combine resources, promote public policy, and improve services and support for families. * Enhance public awareness, understanding, communication, and commitment to improve results for children and families. * Promote ''what works'' using research and evaluation practices that have proven to be effective in communities, while showcasing community success. Programs include: Stephens County Read at Home program as an affiliate of the Dolly Parton Imagination Library, Stephens County Schools Mentoring Program, First Steps Georgia Maternal Education Program, annual Community Resource Publication, annual Community Profile publication including a data analysis of quality of life compared to other counties in Georgia, monthly Partner Collaborative meetings to provide public and private organizations with networking opportunities and education regarding the needs of our community, workshops to educate the public on emerging issues in our community.

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